Are You Ready for What Is Coming in 2022?

Are You Ready for What Is Coming in 2022?

As we approach the end of 2021 and the holiday season it is really important to take stock in your accomplishments for the year and give yourself some credit and celebration.  Too often we attempt to measure our progress by examining where we fell short in the attainment of our goals for the year rather than actually recognizing the gains we have made towards our goals.  This is a never-ending hamster wheel that will keep you discouraged and tempted to create lesser goals rather than continuing to strive for bigger break-throughs.  


Try to spend some time this holiday season looking back through the last year and giving yourself credit for what you have done and use that energy to begin to create your big goals for 2022.  Here are a few tips to consider when you have some quiet time to really focus on making your next year’s goals really powerful.


  1. Gratitude, gratitude, gratitude!  I can’t stress this point enough.  What you focus on in your life expands.  If you continually focus on what you don’t have then that will be the theme that envelops your life.  Being grateful for your current situation will allow you to more freely accept and appreciate opportunities that will come along that can increase your prosperity and happiness.    
  2. Your only competition should be against your future self.  It is pointless to try to measure your achievements based on what others have done, even if you may look up to them and want to accomplish what they have accomplished.  Everyone has unique gifts and skills.  Picture yourself in 2 to 3 years and what your future self has achieved and compete against that person.  Strive to have what that person has.   
  3. Visualize in detail what your future self will be like in the next 2 to 3 years to have an accurate set of goals.  Create a complete vision of yourself in 2 to 3 years; where you would live, people you would hang out with, activities you would do, behaviors you would have or not have, even down to the clothes you would wear.  What does your preferred daily schedule look like.  What is your exercise routine, your sleep habits, the car you will drive, etc.  Creating a complete picture will allow you to make a check with every action you take—is this action going to move me in the direction of the future self I have created in my mind?  If not then you need to ask yourself why you are continuing to do it and focus on actions that will move you in that direction.  


Hopefully these tips will be helpful in your planning and preparation for the coming year.  Remember to be the change you seek in others.

Jason Kistler